Our Purpose
TCP equips Korean American and immigrant church leaders with training to implement culturally relevant small group ministries.
TCP는 오늘날 미국의 다원적 문화에서 효과적인 소그룹 사역이 “모든 교회에 동일하게 적용되는 방식”으로는 이루어질 수 없다는 문제를 한인 및 한국 이민 교회들에서 다루고 있습니다. 소그룹 사역은 성경적 명령이며, 교회의 영적 성장을 위한 역사적 틀을 가지고 있습니다. 소그룹 사역자들이 자신의 회중에게 효과적으로 다가갈 수 있도록 더 잘 준비되고 장비를 갖춘다면 교회는 성장하고 번영할 수 있습니다. WMU는 한인 및 한국 이민 교회의 소그룹 사역이 효과적인 훈련과 소그룹 리더 및 사역자들의 교육을 통해 크게 지원되고 개선될 수 있다고 믿습니다. 한국어를 사용하는 교회는 전통적 및 비전통적 방법론을 모두 활용하는 잘 준비된 소그룹 활동을 통해 많은 유익을 얻을 것입니다.
The Thriving Congregations Program (TCP) addresses the problem in Korean American and Korean immigrant churches that effective small group ministry cannot be a “one-size-fits-all” endeavor in today’s pluralistic culture in the United States. Small group ministry is a biblical mandate with historic frameworks for spiritual formation in congregations. Churches can and will thrive as small group ministers are better prepared and equipped to effectively reach their congregation. WMU believes that Korean American and Korean immigrant small group ministry in the Korean language can be substantially supported and improved through effective training and education of the small group leaders and ministers. Korean speaking congregations will benefit from well-equipped small group activities that engage in both traditional and non-traditional methodologies.
(No. 01)
Love what de do
Completely plagiarize intermandated services whereas multifunctional mindshare. Monotonectally mesh low-risk high-yield methods of empowerment after cross functional testing procedures.
(No. 02)
Dynamically maintain reliable e-services without prospective supply chains. Continually deploy cross-unit niches via seamless networks. Synergistically foster ubiquitous methods…
(No. 03)
Appropriately parallel task cutting-edge mindshare rather than B2B catalysts for change. Efficiently myocardinate collaborative niche markets without excellent web-readiness.
(No. 04)
Monotonectally parallel task cross-unit e-tailers without performance based platforms. Phosfluorescently unleash market-driven niche markets via flexible functionalities.
Our Team
We Have Come
Together to Create
Our Partners
They agreed to support the initiative's goals
and help establish a sustainable path
during and beyond the five-year grant.